MHEG5  22.3.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
mg_dla.inl File Reference

Dynamic Line-Art utility functions. More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "dla_inl.h"
#include "glue_memory.h"
#include "glue_debug.h"
#include "mg_osd.h"
#include "mg_api.h"
#include "mh5assert.h"


struct  point_list_header
struct  hline
struct  hline_list
struct  S_64_BIT


#define ABS(x)   ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
#define SGN(x)   ((x) < 0 ? -1 : 1)
#define MIN(a, b)   ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define MAX(a, b)   ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define INDEX_FORWARD(index)   index = (index + 1) % vertex_list->length;
#define INDEX_BACKWARD(index)   index = (index - 1 + vertex_list->length) % vertex_list->length;
#define INDEX_MOVE(index, direction)
#define DEBUG_DLA   0


typedef struct point_list_header S_POINT_LIST_HEADER
typedef struct hline S_HLINE
typedef struct hline_list S_HLINE_LIST


void DLA_FUNCTION() Line (DLA_Surface *canvas, S16BIT x1, S16BIT y1, S16BIT x2, S16BIT y2, U16BIT width, DLAColor colour)
 Draw a line on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Polygon (DLA_Surface *canvas, S_POLYGON poly, U16BIT width, DLAColor fill_colour, DLAColor line_colour)
 Draw a polygon on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Polyline (DLA_Surface *canvas, S_POLYGON poly, U16BIT width, DLAColor colour)
 Draw a polyline (sequence of connected lines) on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Rectangle (DLA_Surface *canvas, S16BIT x1, S16BIT y1, S16BIT x2, S16BIT y2, U16BIT x_lw, U16BIT y_lw, DLAColor fill_colour, DLAColor line_colour)
 Draw a rectangle on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Ellipse (DLA_Surface *canvas, S16BIT x, S16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h, U16BIT width, DLAColor fill_colour, DLAColor line_colour)
 Draw an ellipse ("oval") on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Arc (DLA_Surface *canvas, S16BIT x, S16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h, U16BIT start, U16BIT arc, U16BIT width, DLAColor colour)
 Draw an arc on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Sector (DLA_Surface *canvas, S16BIT x, S16BIT y, U16BIT w, U16BIT h, U16BIT start, U16BIT arc, U16BIT width, DLAColor fill_colour, DLAColor line_colour)
 Draw a sector ("pie slice") on the canvas. More...
void DLA_FUNCTION() Border (DLA_Surface *canvas, U16BIT x1_bw, U16BIT y1_bw, U16BIT x2_bw, U16BIT y2_bw, DLAColor line_colour)
 Draw a border around the canvas. More...

Detailed Description

Dynamic Line-Art utility functions.

10th July 2008
Adam Sturtridge

Macro Definition Documentation

#define INDEX_MOVE (   index,
if (direction > 0) \
index = (index + 1) % vertex_list->length; \
else \
index = (index - 1 + vertex_list->length) % vertex_list->length;

Function Documentation

void DLA_FUNCTION() Arc ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S16BIT  x,
S16BIT  y,
U16BIT  w,
U16BIT  h,
U16BIT  start,
U16BIT  arc,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  colour 

Draw an arc on the canvas.

S16BITx Left position of bounding rect
S16BITy Top position of bounding rect
U16BITw Width of bounding rect
U16BITh Height of bounding rect
U16BITstart Start angle in 64ths of a degree
U16BITarc Arc angle in 64ths of a degree
U16BITwidth Width of ellipse outline
DLAColorcolour Colour to use for arc
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Border ( DLA_Surface canvas,
U16BIT  x1_bw,
U16BIT  y1_bw,
U16BIT  x2_bw,
U16BIT  y2_bw,
DLAColor  line_colour 

Draw a border around the canvas.

U16BITx1_bw left horizontal border width
U16BITy1_bw top vertical border width
U16BITx2_bw right horizontal border width
U16BITy2_bw bottom vertical border width
DLAColorline_colour Colour to use for border
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Ellipse ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S16BIT  x,
S16BIT  y,
U16BIT  w,
U16BIT  h,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  fill_colour,
DLAColor  line_colour 

Draw an ellipse ("oval") on the canvas.

S16BITx Left position of bounding rect
S16BITy Top position of bounding rect
U16BITw Width of bounding rect
U16BITh Height of bounding rect
U16BITwidth Width of ellipse outline
DLAColorfill_colour Colour to use for filling
DLAColorline_colour Colour to use for outline
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Line ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S16BIT  x1,
S16BIT  y1,
S16BIT  x2,
S16BIT  y2,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  colour 

Draw a line on the canvas.

S16BITx1 x-coordinate of first point
S16BITy1 y-coordinate of first point
S16BITx2 x-coordinate of second point
S16BITy2 y-coordinate of second point
U16BITwidth Width of line in pixels
DLAColorcolour Colour for line
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Polygon ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S_POLYGON  poly,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  fill_colour,
DLAColor  line_colour 

Draw a polygon on the canvas.

S_POINT* points List of points
U16BITnum_points Number of points in list
U16BITwidth Width of polygon outline
DLAColorfill_colour Colour to use for filling
DLAColorline_colour Colour to use for outline
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Polyline ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S_POLYGON  poly,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  colour 

Draw a polyline (sequence of connected lines) on the canvas.

S_POINT* points List of points
U16BITnum_points Number of points in list
U16BITwidth Width of lines in polyline
DLAColorcolour Colour to use for lines
BOOLEAN Success status of operation
void DLA_FUNCTION() Rectangle ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S16BIT  x1,
S16BIT  y1,
S16BIT  x2,
S16BIT  y2,
U16BIT  x_lw,
U16BIT  y_lw,
DLAColor  fill_colour,
DLAColor  line_colour 

Draw a rectangle on the canvas.

S16BITx1 Left position of rectangle
S16BITy1 Top position of rectangle
S16BITx2 Right position of rectangle
S16BITy2 Bottom position of rectangle
U16BITx_lw horizontal outline width
U16BITy_lw vertical outline width
DLAColorfill_colour Colour to use for filling
DLAColorline_colour Colour to use for outline
BOOLEAN Success status of operation 8 pixels high and 8 pixels wide rectangle.
void DLA_FUNCTION() Sector ( DLA_Surface canvas,
S16BIT  x,
S16BIT  y,
U16BIT  w,
U16BIT  h,
U16BIT  start,
U16BIT  arc,
U16BIT  width,
DLAColor  fill_colour,
DLAColor  line_colour 

Draw a sector ("pie slice") on the canvas.

S16BITx Left position of bounding rect
S16BITy Top position of bounding rect
U16BITw Width of bounding rect
U16BITh Height of bounding rect
U16BITstart Start angle in 64ths of a degree
U16BITarc Arc angle in 64ths of a degree
U16BITwidth Width of ellipse outline
DLAColorfill_colour Colour to use for filling
DLAColorline_colour Colour to use for outline
BOOLEAN Success status of operation the sector is not rendered properly.