(STB) can call directly. They build the interface to the MHEG5 engine. This file defines the api to the MHEG engine and the functions the engine needs from the system to run properly. All engine specific functions start with |MHEG5|, all system specific functions start with |OSD|.
int | ASN1_MemInit (void) |
void | ASN1_MemExit (void) |
E_MhegErr | MHEG5Initialise (S_MhegConfig *cfg_params) |
| initialise MHEG5 component More...
void | MHEG5_Terminate (void) |
| Terminate MHEG5 component. More...
void | MHEG5RefreshDisplay (void) |
E_MhegErr | MHEG5ResetResolution (U16BIT screenWidth, U16BIT screenHeight) |
void | MHEG5NotifyEvent (E_MhegEvent event, U32BIT data) |
BOOLEAN | MHEG5_DvbRegisterEventHandler (F_NotifyMhegEvent handler) |
void | MHEG5_DvbUnregisterEventHandler (F_NotifyMhegEvent handler) |
void | MHEG5engineStart (U8BIT *app_name, BOOLEAN isCi, BOOLEAN special) |
| Start the engine with the initial application. More...
void | MHEG5NotifyEngineStarted (void) |
void | MHEG5NotifyCarouselBooted (S_DsmccEvent *param) |
void | MHEG5AutoPathComplete (E_FsStatus result) |
void | MHEG5NotifyEngineStartFailed (void) |
void | MHEG5NotifyEngineQuit (void) |
void | MHEG5engineTerminate (void) |
| Force the engine to terminate. More...
void | MHEG5engineDsmTerminate (void) |
| Force the engine to terminate any DSM-CC based MHEG application. More...
MHEG5Bool | MHEG5TuneIndex (MHEG5Int serviceIndex) |
| Ref: [1] - Tune to the specified service. If the tuner fails to tune to the service it should attempt to return to the previous tuned service. If tuning to previously tuned service fails, the receiver shall allow the user to choose another service. More...
void | MHEG5TuneIndexInfo (MHEG5Int tuneInfo) |
| Sets the way the application expects the receiver is to perform all subsequence application initiated tuning. Normal (0) means subsequent tuning will be performed as if the user had tuned via the remote control. Silently (1) means subsequent tuning will be performed without showing any OSD (channel info banner) and the user initiating a channel change will use the source channel as the reference point This function is used by the SI_TuneIndexInfo resident program. See UK1.06 profile section More...
E_ChannelStartMode | MHEG5_GetTuningInfoMode (S32BIT serviceIndex) |
| Get the current tuning mode for the target service. This is relevant when MHEG5 or CICAM has requested a tune, and DVB has not yet tuned to that service. More...
U32BIT | MHEG5tuneProcess (S_DvbLocator *pDvbLoc, S32BIT serviceIndex) |
| Process the current tune for the target service. This is relevant when MHEG5 or CICAM has requested a tune, and DVB is notifying the tune has occured. More...
void | MHEG5NotifyCarouselLoaded (S_DsmccEvent *param) |
void | MHEG5NotifyCarouselUnload (S_DsmccEvent *param) |
BOOLEAN | MHEG5isProcessingNDT (BOOLEAN *native_app_ok) |
U8BIT | MHEG5HandleEngineStopAction (U8BIT action) |
BOOLEAN | MHEG5engineIsCiAppRunning (void) |
void | MHEG5StartReboot (void *param) |
void | MHEG5Pause (void) |
void | MHEG5Resume (void) |
void | MHEG5RefreshStreams (U16BIT service_id) |
void | MHEG5RefreshDefaultAudio (void) |
(STB) can call directly. They build the interface to the MHEG5 engine. This file defines the api to the MHEG engine and the functions the engine needs from the system to run properly. All engine specific functions start with |MHEG5|, all system specific functions start with |OSD|.
- Date
- 01/02/2002
- Author
- R.Freeman