MHEG5  22.3.0
Macros | Functions
mh5parse.c File Reference

string parsing utility functions for MHEG5 More...

#include "mh5parse.h"
#include "glue_assert.h"
#include "glue_memory.h"
#include "mh5group.h"
#include "mh5json.h"


#define BKG_TITLE_TOKEN   "t"
#define BKG_BOOKING_TOKEN   "b"
#define BKG_CRIDTYPE_TOKEN   "ct"
#define BKG_SYNOPSIS_TOKEN   "s"
#define BKG_LOCATION_TOKEN   "l"
#define BKG_DVB_TOKEN   "dvb://"
#define BKG_CRID_TTL_STRING   "{\"ct\":\"49\",\"t\":\""
#define BKG_SYNOPSIS_STRING   "\",\"s\":\""
#define BKG_BOOKING_PREFIX   "\",\"b\":["
#define BKG_LOCATION_PREFIX   "\"l\":\"dvb://"
#define BKG_BOOKING_ENDFIX   "]}"
#define MAX_INT_LENGTH   32
#define MIN_DATA_BLOCK   32


MHEG5Bool MHEG5parseDvbUrl (U8BIT *buffer, U32BIT length, S_DVB_LOCATOR *dvb_loc)
 Parse a DAVIC style multiplex reference or UK-DTT inherritance format URL. This can be one of the following forms: rec://svc/cur rec://svc/def rec://svc/lcn/# dvb://original_network_id.[transport_stream_id].service_id[.*]. More...
int MHEG5parseLcn (U8BIT *buf, U8BIT *end)
MHEG5Bool MHEG5parseEncodeQPrintable (MHEG5Byte **buffer, MHEG5Int *used, MHEG5Int *allocated, MHEG5Generic *value)
 Add a value to the buffer. The value is QPrintable-encoded, which means that printable characters are copied without change, and non-printable characters (along with '=' and ''') are encoded using the equal sign and two hexadecimal digits characters which hold the numerical representation of the character in ASCII. For example, a carriage-return character is encoded as '=0D'. More...

Detailed Description

string parsing utility functions for MHEG5

Adam Sturtridge

Function Documentation

MHEG5Bool MHEG5parseDvbUrl ( U8BIT *  buffer,
U32BIT  length,
S_DVB_LOCATOR dvb_loc 

Parse a DAVIC style multiplex reference or UK-DTT inherritance format URL. This can be one of the following forms: rec://svc/cur rec://svc/def rec://svc/lcn/# dvb://original_network_id.[transport_stream_id].service_id[.*].

bufferPointer to character buffer containing the URL string
lengthLength of character buffer
multiplexRefMultiplex reference extracted from the URL string
MHEG5TRUE if URL could be decoded, else MHEG5FALSE
MHEG5Bool MHEG5parseEncodeQPrintable ( MHEG5Byte **  buffer,
MHEG5Int *  used,
MHEG5Int *  allocated,
MHEG5Generic value 

Add a value to the buffer. The value is QPrintable-encoded, which means that printable characters are copied without change, and non-printable characters (along with '=' and ''') are encoded using the equal sign and two hexadecimal digits characters which hold the numerical representation of the character in ASCII. For example, a carriage-return character is encoded as '=0D'.

bufferBuffer to add the value to
usedNumber of characters used in the buffer
allocatedNumber of characters allocated for the buffer
valueThe value to append
MHEG5TRUE if the value was added, MHEG5FALSE otherwise