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Isobmff::FtypH_s Struct Reference

#include <atsc_core_streamer_isobmff.h>

Public Attributes

uint8_t sMajorBrand [4]
uint32_t iMinorVersion
uint32_t iCompatibleNum
uint8_t sCompatibleBrands [16][4]

Detailed Description

struct File Type Box

Member Data Documentation

◆ iCompatibleNum

uint32_t Isobmff::FtypH_s::iCompatibleNum

Number of compatible brands.

◆ iMinorVersion

uint32_t Isobmff::FtypH_s::iMinorVersion

Minor version of the file type.

◆ sCompatibleBrands

uint8_t Isobmff::FtypH_s::sCompatibleBrands[16][4]

Array of compatible brands.

◆ sMajorBrand

uint8_t Isobmff::FtypH_s::sMajorBrand[4]

Major brand identifying the file type.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: