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Building DTVKit

DTVKit is a customisable and flexible software stack. The proposed automated build process is an optional component for all members of DTVKit.

This package is released as of the March Release 20.3.0 on 26/03/20

Before running through this tutorial, it is assumed that the reader is already familiar the steps for building the modules individually - i.e. using, and make.

You can find the package here:

Please check the forum, or email for the password (members only)

Quick Start


Please ensure you have the following:

  • A GitHub account with access to the DTVKit repo's
  • Installed SSH keys so git clone is possible
  • Downloaded the tarball package (link in section above)
  • A 64-bit PC

Quick Start - 64-bit native, git master

In this 'quick' start tutorial, we will be building and running DTVKit on a 64-bit PC.

To begin,

1. Extract the tarball anywhere beneath ${HOME}

This should create a top level directory called 'dtvkit'

2. Change to the top level directory cd ~/dtvkit

3. The tarball puts the Makefile and Makefile.bash in the top level dtvkit directory

4. Read through the Makefile and Makefile.bash

5. Run make dtvkit-build-id DTVKIT_BUILD_ID=Host=x86_64:Guest=x86_64​

6. Clear the make targets with rm t-*-dvbcore

7. Run

make t-clone-dvbcore

make t-custom-dvbcore

make t-setup-dvbcore

make t-build-dvbcore

8. Run less $(ls -Rt logfiles/t-build-dvbcore-*) to inspect the most recent DVBCore logfile which contains a summary off the build configuration and the build output.

9. Clear the make targets with rm t-*-app

10. Run make t-build-app

11. There should now be an executable in App/build/bin/dtvkit

12. Copy the dtvkit executable into the App folder

cp ~/dtvkit/App/build/bin/dtvkit ~/dtvkit/App/.

13. Create a ts folder in App

cd ~/dtvkit/App

mkdir ts

14. Place a transport stream in the ts folder e.g. App/ts/474000000.ts for example

15. Run the dtvkit application through the App folder

cd ~/dtvkit/App


If you have any issues with the above steps, please read on for further information, or post your issues in the forum and we will aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

Quick Start - 32-bit builds

This tutorial requires a 64-bit PC with a 32-bit VirtualBox Ubuntu VM. Using a shared folder, we will be building on the 64-bit host for a 32–bit Virtual Machine, then the application will run through the Virtual Machine.

1. Set the VM user to dtvkit and the hostname to dtvkit32

2. Create a shared folder on the VM /media/sf-dtvkit that exposes the dtvkit directory. The permissions will depend on where they are being examined but the same files will be visible on both.

3. Create a file in the VM ${HOME}/.dtvkit-guest-path​ containing the shared folder path /media/sf-dtvkit

4. Create a file in the VM ​/media/sf-dtvkit/.dtvkit-guest-machine containing the username and hostname e.g.:​ dtvkit@dtvkit32

5. Move over to the host machine and run: make dtvkit-build-id DTVKIT_BUILD_ID=Host=x86_64:​Guest=i686​ in the dtvkit directory

6. Run:

make t-build-dvbcore

make t-build-app

7. The logfile will show that the build took place inside the VM and that the ​dtvkit executable is 32 bit. The 32 bit executable will run on the VM desktop.

automate_dtvkit.1605706125.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/18 15:59 (external edit)