DSMCC  22.11.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
dsiq.h File Reference

Dsmcc's Service Information Query API. More...

#include "cldsmtypes.h"
#include "dmxtypes.h"
#include "stdfuncs.h"
#include "siqfuncs.h"
#include "dsm_debug.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  S_SiqSetup


#define UNKNOWN_AIT_VERS   0x7F


typedef U32BIT(* F_DvpRequestTable) (void *ref, U16BIT pid, U16BIT xid, U8BIT tid)
 SIQ requests table data - normally PMT, but could be UNT. Table data should be given to appropriate function e.g. SIQ_ProcessPMT. It should always supply it after this function is called, and then, whenever the version changes. This state should continue until F_DvpCancelTable is called. More...
typedef void(* F_DvpCancelTable) (void *ref, U16BIT pid, U32BIT rid)
 Cancel request for Table data made by F_DvpRequestTable() More...
typedef struct s_SiqCachePatH_SiqCachePat
typedef struct s_SiqCachePmtH_SiqCachePmt
typedef struct s_SiqPmtTableH_SiqPmtTable




H_SiqInstance SIQ_CreateInstance (S_SiqSetup *pSetup)
 Create SIQ instance. More...
void SIQ_DestroyInstance (H_SiqInstance siq)
 Destroy instance created by SIQ_CreateInstance. More...
void SIQ_SetDebugConfig (H_SiqInstance siq, F_Printf errPrintf, F_Printf dbgPrintf, U32BIT dbgState)
 Set Debug config for SIQ. More...
void SIQ_SetDebugState (H_SiqInstance siq, U32BIT dbgState)
 Set Debug state for SIQ. More...
void SIQ_SetDsmInstance (H_SiqInstance siq, H_DsmCoreInst dsm)
 Set instance handle for DSM-CC that SIQ is supporting. More...
void SIQ_UpdatePat (H_SiqInstance siq, U8BIT *dptr)
 Provide SIQ with latest PAT data. Calling this function is optional. However, if not used, then the platform must use SIQ_ServiceRemoved and SIQ_TransportChanged. More...
void SIQ_TransportChanged (H_SiqInstance siq, U16BIT origNetworkId, U16BIT transportId)
 Inform SIQ when tuning to another transport stream. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ. More...
E_SIQ_STATUS SIQ_RequirePmt (H_SiqInstance siq, U8BIT *pmt, U16BIT *pSid, U8BIT *pVer)
 Ask SIQ whether PMT section data is required. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service. More...
void SIQ_ServiceRemoved (H_SiqInstance siq, U16BIT serviceId)
 Inform SIQ when a service has been removed from PAT. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ. This may initiate calls to DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states are 'aborted'. More...
H_SiqPmtTable SIQ_ParsePmt (H_SiqInstance siq, U8BIT *pmt)
 Provide PMT section data to SIQ. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service. More...
void SIQ_ProcessPmt (H_SiqInstance siq, H_SiqPmtTable hNewTable, U16BIT serviceId, U8BIT version)
 Provide PMT section data to SIQ. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service. This may initiate calls to F_ParseDataBcastId(), and may be followed by DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states can be any (including 'aborted'). More...
void SIQ_CacheClearPmt (H_SiqInstance siq, U16BIT serviceId)
 Clear cached PMT information. More...
E_DscError SIQ_RequestQueryStart (H_SiqInstance siq, P_SIQueryRequest pQuery, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef, void *clDsmSIUserData, P_SIQueryResult pResult)
 Start DSM-CC query request. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. More...
void SIQ_RequestQueryStop (H_SiqInstance siq, void *queryHandle, H_SIQueryRef clDsmSIQueryRef)
 Stop DSM-CC query request. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. More...
E_DscError SIQ_ServiceInfoChangeSubscribe (H_SiqInstance siq, U16BIT serviceId)
 Subscribe a component to receive notification of any changes or alterations to the service information of a specified service. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. More...
void SIQ_ServiceInfoChangeUnsubscribe (H_SiqInstance siq, U16BIT serviceId)
 Unsubscribe component to previously subscribed service change or alteration updates. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. More...

Detailed Description

Dsmcc's Service Information Query API.

28 September 2013
Adam Sturtridge

Typedef Documentation

typedef void(* F_DvpCancelTable) (void *ref, U16BIT pid, U32BIT rid)

Cancel request for Table data made by F_DvpRequestTable()

refExternal reference or handle
pidPID for this table
ridRequest Id returned by F_DvpRequestTable()
typedef U32BIT(* F_DvpRequestTable) (void *ref, U16BIT pid, U16BIT xid, U8BIT tid)

SIQ requests table data - normally PMT, but could be UNT. Table data should be given to appropriate function e.g. SIQ_ProcessPMT. It should always supply it after this function is called, and then, whenever the version changes. This state should continue until F_DvpCancelTable is called.

refExternal reference or handle
pidPID for this table
xidTable extension ID
tidTable ID (e.g. PMT is 0x02)
zero is failure, non-zero is success

Function Documentation

void SIQ_CacheClearPmt ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U16BIT  serviceId 

Clear cached PMT information.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U16BITserviceId Service whose PMT needs to be cleared
H_SiqInstance SIQ_CreateInstance ( S_SiqSetup pSetup)

Create SIQ instance.

S_SiqSetupsetup setup parameters
SIQ instance. NULL is failure.
S_SiqSetupsetup setup parameters
void SIQ_DestroyInstance ( H_SiqInstance  siq)

Destroy instance created by SIQ_CreateInstance.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
H_SiqInstancesiqInstance SIQ instance handle.
H_SiqPmtTable SIQ_ParsePmt ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U8BIT *  pmt 

Provide PMT section data to SIQ. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service.

H_SiqInstancesiqInstance SIQ instance handle.
U8BIT*pmt raw PMT section data
void SIQ_ProcessPmt ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
H_SiqPmtTable  hNewTable,
U16BIT  serviceId,
U8BIT  version 

Provide PMT section data to SIQ. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service. This may initiate calls to F_ParseDataBcastId(), and may be followed by DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states can be any (including 'aborted').

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U8BIT*pmt raw PMT section data

Provide PMT section data to SIQ. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service. This may initiate calls to F_ParseDataBcastId(), and may be followed by DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states can be any (including 'aborted').

H_SiqInstancesiqInstance SIQ instance handle.
U8BIT*pmt raw PMT section data
E_DscError SIQ_RequestQueryStart ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
P_SIQueryRequest  pQuery,
H_SIQueryRef  clDsmSIQueryRef,
void *  clDsmSIUserData,
P_SIQueryResult  pResult 

Start DSM-CC query request. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
void SIQ_RequestQueryStop ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
void *  queryHandle,
H_SIQueryRef  clDsmSIQueryRef 

Stop DSM-CC query request. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
E_SIQ_STATUS SIQ_RequirePmt ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U8BIT *  pmt,
U16BIT *  pSid,
U8BIT *  pVer 

Ask SIQ whether PMT section data is required. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid PMT sections So the first byte of data must be PMT table id (i.e. 0x02). If SIQ does not receive PAT then this function adds SIQ knowledge of the service.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U8BIT*pmt raw PMT section data header
E_DscError SIQ_ServiceInfoChangeSubscribe ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U16BIT  serviceId 

Subscribe a component to receive notification of any changes or alterations to the service information of a specified service. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U16BITserviceId Service to be monitored.
void SIQ_ServiceInfoChangeUnsubscribe ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U16BIT  serviceId 

Unsubscribe component to previously subscribed service change or alteration updates. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U16BITserviceId Service being monitored.
void SIQ_ServiceRemoved ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U16BIT  serviceId 

Inform SIQ when a service has been removed from PAT. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ. This may initiate calls to DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states are 'aborted'.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U16BITserviceId Service Id of removed service

Inform SIQ when a service has been removed from PAT. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ. This may initiate calls to DSM-CC callback functions for Load Carousel or Load Object, where states are 'aborted'.

H_SiqInstancesiqInstance SIQ instance handle.
U16BITserviceId Service Id of removed service
void SIQ_SetDebugConfig ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
F_Printf  errPrintf,
F_Printf  dbgPrintf,
U32BIT  dbgState 

Set Debug config for SIQ.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
F_PrintferrPrintf Error print function
F_PrintfdbgPrintf Debug print function
U32BITdbgState State to filter debug printing
H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
F_SiqPrintferrPrintf Error print function
F_SiqPrintfdbgPrintf Debug print function
U32BITdbgState State to filter debug printing
void SIQ_SetDebugState ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U32BIT  dbgState 

Set Debug state for SIQ.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U32BITdbgState State to filter debug printing
void SIQ_SetDsmInstance ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
H_DsmCoreInst  dsmInstance 

Set instance handle for DSM-CC that SIQ is supporting.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
H_DsmCoreInstdsm DSM-CC instance being supported
void*siqInstance SIQ instance handle.
H_DsmCoreInstdsmInstance DSM-CC instance being supported
void SIQ_TransportChanged ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U16BIT  origNetworkId,
U16BIT  transportId 

Inform SIQ when tuning to another transport stream. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U16BITorigNetworkId original network Id for transport stream
U16BITtransportId Id of new transport stream

Inform SIQ when tuning to another transport stream. Not required if PAT is supplied to SIQ.

H_SiqInstancesiqInstance SIQ instance handle.
U16BITtransportId Id of new transport stream
void SIQ_UpdatePat ( H_SiqInstance  siq,
U8BIT *  dptr 

Provide SIQ with latest PAT data. Calling this function is optional. However, if not used, then the platform must use SIQ_ServiceRemoved and SIQ_TransportChanged.

H_SiqInstancesiq SIQ instance handle.
U8BIT*dptr PAT section data