MHEG5  22.11.0
src Directory Reference


file  mh5action.c
 Manage elementary actions Manage a table of all actions and call a specific action which is defined by a specific class. Also handles the list functions for elementary actions.
file  mh5application.c
 Implementation of the MHEG5 Application Class Defines a set of Ingredient objects, which are shared within an application scope. Base class: Group Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5audio.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Audio Class Description Defines the attributes and behaviour of an elementary audio stream of a Stream multiplex. The Audio object shall be a StreamComponent of a Stream object. Base class: Presentable Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5bitmap.c
 Module Description: Implement the MHEG5 Bitmap Class. 32 Bitmap Class Defines the behaviour of a two-dimensional array of pixels.$ Base class: Visible Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5button.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Button Class Description Defines functionality associated with the rendering and interaction with one-state and two-state buttons. Base class: Visible , Interactible Subclasses: Hotspot , PushButton Status: Abstract class.
file  mh5cursorshape.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Cursorshape Class Defines encapsulation for the data structures used to represent a free-moving cursor. Base class: Ingredient Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5dynamiclineart.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Dynamiclineart Class Defines means to dynamically draw vectorial graphical objects Base class: LineArt Subclasses: None Status: Concrete Class.
file  mh5entryfield.c
 Implement the MHEG5 EntryField Class Defines an interaction widget used by the final user to edit and/or modify a text. Base classes: Text , Interactible Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5final.c
 Distributor for Prepare, Destruct, Activate, Deactivate and Clone calls. Distribute the +Prepare +Destruct +Activate +Deactivate +Clone calls to specific class implementation.
file  mh5font.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Font Class Font Class Defines a class to represent a character font used for rendering text objects. Base class: Ingredient Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5group.c
 Implementation of the Group class Description Defines the structure and behaviour of objects used as composition of Ingredients. Base class Root Subclasses Scene, Application Status Abstract class.
file  mh5hotspot.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Hotspot Class. Defines invisible unlabelled rectangular areas on the screen that may interact with the user to produce |IsSelected| events. Base class: Button Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5hypertext.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Hypertext Class. The HyperText class is a subclass of the Text class, with the special property of allowing for portions of the text to be associated with a piece of information. These portions of text are called anchors in the rest of this clause. Base classes: Text, Interactible Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5ingredient.c
 Implementation of the Ingredient class.
file  mh5interactible.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Interactible Class. Defines functionality associated with an interaction behaviour of Visibles. Base class: None (mix-in class) Subclasses: Slider , HyperText , EntryField , Button Status: Abstract class.
file  mh5lineart.c
 Implement the MHEG5 LineArt Class. Description Defines functionality associated with vectorial representation of graphical objects. Base class: Visible Subclasses: Rectangle, DynamicLineArt Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5listgroup.c
 Implement the MHEG5 ListGroup Class ListGroup Class Defines the location of list elements on the screen and theire internal storage within certain datastructures |NOTE:| The ListGroup is implemented according to the technical changes$ and clarifications introduced in the DCOR. Base class: TokenGroup Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5palette.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Palette Class Palette Class Defines a class to represent a colour look-up table. Base class: Ingredient Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5presentable.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Presentable Class Description Presentable Class Defines the behaviour of objects that may be presented within a Scene Base class: Ingredient Subclasses: Stream, Visible, Audio, TokenGroup Status: Abstract class.
file  mh5program.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Program Class Defines means to handle execution of external pieces of procedural code.
file  mh5pushbutton.c
 Implement the MHEG5 PushButton Class PushButton Class Defines labelled, largely rectangular areas on the screen. Base class: Button Subclasses: SwitchButton Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5rectangle.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Rectangle Class Description Rectangle Class Defines a data structure that deals with rectangles Base class: LineArt Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5root.c
 Implementation of the Root class.
file  mh5rtgraphics.c
 Implementation of the RTGraphics class Description Defines the attributes and behaviour of non-persistent graphics objects, defined as of an elementary stream of a Stream multiplex. The RTGraphics object shall be a StreamComponent of a Stream object. Base class Visible Subclasses None Status Concrete class.
file  mh5scene.c
 Implementation of the MHEG5 Scene Class Scene Class Defines a set of Ingredient objects to be activated together. Base class: Group Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5slider.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Slider Class Description Slider Class Defines the behaviour of sliders. Base class: Visible, Interactible Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5stream.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Stream Class Stream Class Defines the behaviour of a composition of continuous media (Video, Audio and RTGraphics) that are presented in synchronisation. Base class: Presentable Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5switchbutton.c
 Implement the MHEG5 SwitchButton Class SwitchButton Class Defines the behaviour of pressable buttons. Base class: PushButton Subclasses: None Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5text.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Text Class 36 Text Class Defines attributes and behaviour of pieces of textual information. Base class: Visible Subclasses: EntryField, HyperText Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5tokengroup.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Tokengroup Class Description 29 TokenGroup Class Defines a group of Visible objects for navigation. Each Visible object in the group may hold a token, as defined in the TokenManager class. On the basis of the events that are generated when that token moves, a special behaviour for the Visible that holds the token may be implemented, such as a highlight. Base class: Presentable, TokenManager Subclasses: ListGroup Status: Concrete class.
file  mh5tokenmanager.c
 Implement the MHEG5 TokenManager Class 28 TokenManager Class Mix-in class that defines functions to manage the navigation of a logical token among a group of elements. The token may be used to give a special behaviour to one element in the group, such as the highlight in a jumping-highlight navigation scheme. Base class: None (mix-in) Subclasses: TokenGroup Status: Abstract class.
file  mh5variable.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Variable Class and subclasses 21 Variable Class Defines a variable within the context of a Group object. Base class: Ingredient Subclasses: BooleanVariable, IntegerVariable, OctetStringVariable, ObjectReferenceVariable, ContentRefVariable Status: Abstract class.
file  mh5video.c
 Implementation of the Video class Description Defines the attributes and behaviour of an elementary video stream of a Stream multiplex. The Video object shall be a StreamComponent of a Stream object. Base class Visible Subclasses None Status Concrete class.
file  mh5visible.c
 Implement the MHEG5 Visible Class Defines the behaviour of Presentables that have a visual representation on the screen. Base class: Presentable Subclasses: Video, RTGraphics, Bitmap, LineArt, Text, Slider, Button Status: Abstract class.