MHEG5  22.11.0
mh5tokengroup.c File Reference

Implement the MHEG5 Tokengroup Class Description 29 TokenGroup Class Defines a group of Visible objects for navigation. Each Visible object in the group may hold a token, as defined in the TokenManager class. On the basis of the events that are generated when that token moves, a special behaviour for the Visible that holds the token may be implemented, such as a highlight. Base class: Presentable, TokenManager Subclasses: ListGroup Status: Concrete class. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "mh5tokengroup.h"
#include "mh5object.h"
#include "mh5variable.h"
#include "mh5memory.h"
#include "mh5final.h"
#include "mh5queue.h"
#include "mh5debug.h"
#include "mh5gate.h"


void MHEG5tokenGroupFree (MHEG5TokenGroup *tokenGroup)
 <Function description>=""> More...
void MHEG5tokenGroupPrepare (MHEG5TokenGroup *tokenGroup)
void MHEG5tokenGroupActivate (MHEG5TokenGroup *tokenGroup)
void MHEG5tokenGroupDeactivate (MHEG5TokenGroup *tokenGroup)
void MHEG5tokenGroupDestruct (MHEG5TokenGroup *tokenGroup)
MHEG5ErrorCode MHEG5callActionSlot (MHEG5Root *target, MHEG5GList *params)

Detailed Description

Implement the MHEG5 Tokengroup Class Description 29 TokenGroup Class Defines a group of Visible objects for navigation. Each Visible object in the group may hold a token, as defined in the TokenManager class. On the basis of the events that are generated when that token moves, a special behaviour for the Visible that holds the token may be implemented, such as a highlight. Base class: Presentable, TokenManager Subclasses: ListGroup Status: Concrete class.


Function Documentation

void MHEG5tokenGroupFree ( MHEG5TokenGroup tokenGroup)

<Function description>="">

Free off all memory associated with the specified object, including any exchanged attributes and internal data. The data holding the object itself is not freed.

<Return value>=""> Free off all memory associated with the specified object, including any exchanged attributes and internal data. The data holding the object itself is not freed.
tokenGroupPointer to object to free.