For building ATSCCore application, need to install the below package,
Linux environment
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 20.04.06 LTS.
Firstly, we will update our operating system by using the below command.
sudo apt update.
Enter the below command to install the make package.
sudo apt install make
Get the source code of ATSC core and extract the tar code by using below command,
tar xzf file.tar.gz
Now need to build the code as per below steps,
cd DtvKit_ATSC30Stack_M3/src/
make clean //This command removes all executable files and compiled object files in the coding
make //compiles different program pieces and builds a final executable
Each folder having makefile to build the various c++ and header files to create the compiled object and finally to build the final exe.
After the build, the executable "OptmGateway" available in the path "/DtvKit_ATSC30Stack_M3/src/atsc/app/atscapp".
For running the executable, need to trigger the exe after copied the executable that to the device's path as below,
cd hgw/
Installation of putty or teraterm for running and for further booting process.
Install the putty or tera term tool to connect with the serial interface of the target/device.
Ex : /dev/ttyUSB0/ in serial port
Username : root
Password : optm@123
Then get the IP address for the device/target connection using "ifconfig" and by using the IP address. Open the browser and use the IP address(ex: of the device for accessing the target.
For triggering the exe, enter to below path where the EXE is available and trigger the exe.
cd /hgw
Refer to UserTunerOption.png for details on tuner configuration options.