Testing is essential to ensure the reliability, stability, and compliance of the ATSC 3.0 stack with broadcast standards.
User can control the functionlity via native application using below mentioned test tools which is added in the main.cpp file available in the path "DtvKit_ATSC30Stack_M3/src/atsc/app/atscapp/src/"
Interface PrintHelpMenu() will help for user provided input based on functionlities.
Here’s a detailed guide on how a user would interact with the console for each `eAppType_t` command, including descriptions, example inputs, and expected outputs.
Each command allows the user to test specific functionalities of the ATSC 3.0 stack.
Note : 0 - Demod8VSB , 1 - Demod64QAM, 2 - Demod256QAM, 3 - DemodATSC30
Each command allows the user to verify the ATSC 3.0 stack’s functionalities directly via the console, ensuring robust testing and control over system operations.