DSMCC  22.11.0
src Directory Reference


file  cacheMgr.c
 Dynamic cache memory management funcs.
file  cacheMgr.h [code]
 Header to the cacheMgr module.
file  calculateCRC.h [code]
 Calculate CRC for a message.
file  clDsmClientMain.c
 Synchronous Client API functions and general purpose asynchronous client API functions (for DSM object access)
file  clDsmDir.c
 Directory related functions.
file  clDsmFile.c
 API functions providing asynchronous access to DSM file objects.
file  clDsmMain.c
 Main Synchronous System (broadcast) API functions References: [1] - BS ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998 [2] - ETSI/DVB TR 101 202 v1.1.1 (1999-02)
file  clDsmMemMgrAPI.h [code]
 DSM-CC dynamic memory manager API.
file  clDsmMemMgrBasic.c
 DSM-CC basic memory manager.
file  clDsmSystem.h [code]
 General include file for clDsm library internal definitions.
file  clDsmUtils.c
 Implementation of the clDsmUtils module. Contains generally useful functions.
file  clDsmUtils.h [code]
 eader to the clDsmUtils module.
file  defMemUtilsContig.h [code]
 Defines memory access utils to work with contiguous memory.
file  defMemUtilsMgd.h [code]
 Defines memory access utils to work with managed (MemMgr) memory.
file  dsmDbg.h [code]
 Internal Platform dependent definitions, for debug.
file  dsmObject.c
 Functions for managing DSM object heap.
file  dsmObject.h [code]
 Header to dsmObject module - functions for managing DSM object heap.
file  findModuleInDii_include_src.h [code]
 Common source code to find module info descriptor in DII. To be included by functions processing data in contiguous or managed (MemSeq) memory.
file  getIopIor_include_src.h [code]
 Common source code for parsing IOP::IOR data, to be included by functions processing data in contiguous or managed (MemSeq) memory.
file  getModuleInfo_include_src.h [code]
 Common source code to extract module info from module info descriptor in DII. To be included by functions processing data in contiguous or managed (MemSeq) memory.
file  loadMgr.c
 Functions for managing load requests and loading of object carousels, data carousels, modules and objects.
file  loadMgr.h [code]
 Header to the loadMgr module.
file  loadRqst.h [code]
 Header defining.
file  module.c
 Functions/methods for creating/destroying and managing attributes of DSM-CC modules.
file  module.h [code]
 Header to the 'module' module - Functions/methods for creating/destroying and managing attributes of DSM-CC modules.
file  moduleData.c
 Functions/methods for accessing DSM-CC module data..
file  moduleData.h [code]
 Header to the moduleData module.
file  moduleDecompress.c
 Decompresses DSMCC module data using zlib library (also provides 'stack like' dynamic memory management for zlib).
file  moduleDecompress.h [code]
 Header to the moduleDecompress module.
file  object.c
 Functions/methods for creating/destroying and managing attributes of DSM-CC object carousel objects.
file  object.h [code]
 Header to the object module - functions/methods accessing data of object messages inside modules.
file  pmtUpdate.c
 DSM-CC functions related to PMT update.
file  pmtUpdate.h [code]
 DSM-CC functions related to PMT update (header)
file  sectionFilter.c
 Module for allocating/freeing and managing internal section filters.
file  sectionFilter.h [code]
 Header to the sectionFilter module.
file  sectionTimer.c
 Module for managing timers for Load timeouts implementation.
file  sectionTimer.h [code]
 Header to the sectionTimer module.
file  siQuery.c
 Functions for managing SI queries.
file  siQuery.h [code]
 Header to siQuery module - functions for managing SI queries.
file  streamEvent.c
 Stream event related functions References: [1] ISO_IEC_13818-6;1998(E)
file  streamEvent.h [code]
 Header to dsmStreamEvent module - functions for managing DSM streamEvent.
file  streamObject.c
 Functions to support Stream Functionality.
file  streamObject.h [code]
 DSM-CC stream object.