DSMCC  22.11.0
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
streamEvent.c File Reference

Stream event related functions References: [1] ISO_IEC_13818-6;1998(E) More...

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "clDsmSystem.h"
#include "moduleData.h"
#include "sectionFilter.h"
#include "dsmObject.h"
#include "module.h"
#include "objectCarousel.h"
#include "cacheMgr.h"


struct  s_se_info
struct  s_listener
struct  s_dsmevent


#define LIFECYCLE_STR   "Life cycle"
#define STREAM_NPT_REF_DESC   23
#define STREAM_NPT_END_DESC   24
#define STREAM_MODE_DESC   25
#define STREAM_EVENT_DESC   26
#define GEN_E_HDL(sid, eid, lid)   (((U32BIT)sid << 24) | ((U32BIT)eid << 8) | (lid))
#define EH_TO_LID(eh)   (U8BIT)(((U32BIT)eh) & 0xFF)
#define EH_TO_SID(eh)   (U8BIT)(((U32BIT)eh) >> 24)
#define EH_TO_EID(eh)   (U16BIT)((((U32BIT)eh) >> 8) & 0xFFFF)
#define XML_DATA1a
#define XML_DATA1b   "\">\n"
#define XML_DATA2a   "<dsmcc:stream_event dsmcc:stream_event_id=\""
#define XML_DATA2b   "\" dsmcc:stream_event_name=\""
#define XML_DATA2c   "\"/>\n"
#define XML_DATA3


typedef struct s_se_info S_SE_INFO
typedef struct s_listener S_LISTENER
typedef struct s_dsmevent S_Event


S_SE_INFOFindEventInfo (P_DsmCoreInst idp, H_DsmEvent eventHandle)
S_SE_INFOFindStreamInfo (P_DsmCoreInst idp, H_DsmObject streamObject)
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT *eventName, S_UserInfo *pUserInfo, H_DsmEvent *pEventHandle)
 The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function). More...
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventSubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, U8BIT *name, U16BIT associationTag, U16BIT eventId, S_UserInfo *pUserInfo, H_DsmEvent *pEventHandle)
 Like clDsmStreamEventSubscribe, except that no stream object is required. This function subscribes to events specified by event ID, and association tag for the current service. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventUnsubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst idp, H_DsmEvent eventHandle)
 This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle. More...
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventUnsubscribe (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmEvent eventHandle)
 Same as clDsmStreamUnsubscribeEvent - used in conjuction with clDsmSpecialEventSubscribe. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamUnsubscribeEvent (H_DsmCoreInst idp, S_UserInfo *pUserInfo)
 This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle. More...
void CDSM_StreamEventUnload (H_DsmCoreInst idp, U32BIT carouselId)
 This function is called by the Client to unload any stream event loaded from a stream object on the given carousel. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle. More...
E_DscError DSC_StrmEventUpdate (P_DsmCoreInst idp, U8BIT *pStreamDescrSection, P_Event pEvent, U32BIT targetId)
void DSC_StrmEventFilterReset (P_DsmCoreInst idp)
void DSC_StrmEventListReset (P_DsmCoreInst idp)
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventNameList (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT **pNamesPtr, U16BIT *pNamesLen)
 The Client uses this function to request list of event names for stream object Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed Do not have to open an object. More...
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventXmlData (H_DsmCoreInst dsmccInstance, H_DsmObject streamObject, U8BIT **pXmlData, U16BIT *pXmlLen)
 The Client uses this function to request data in XML format for stream object and associated events. This XML format is defined by 'TS 102 809' v 1.2.1, section 8.2 Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. More...

Detailed Description

Stream event related functions References: [1] ISO_IEC_13818-6;1998(E)

Ocean Blue

Macro Definition Documentation

#define XML_DATA1a
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" \
"<dsmcc:dsmcc xmlns=\"urn:dvb:mis:dsmcc:2009\" xmlns:dsmcc=\"urn:dvb:mis:dsmcc:2009\">\n" \
"<dsmcc:dsmcc_object dsmcc:component_tag=\""
#define XML_DATA3
"</dsmcc:dsmcc_object>\n" \

Function Documentation

E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventSubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
U8BIT *  name,
U16BIT  associationTag,
U16BIT  eventId,
S_UserInfo pUserInfo,
H_DsmEvent *  pEventHandle 

Like clDsmStreamEventSubscribe, except that no stream object is required. This function subscribes to events specified by event ID, and association tag for the current service.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
nameName of stream event (null terminated string - copy taken).
associationTagAssociation tag used to retrieve PID that contains required stream events
eventIdStream event ID required by the Client.
pUserInfoOptional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_SUBSCRIBE_FAILURE The event could not be subscribed to CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.
E_DscError CDSM_SpecialEventUnsubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmEvent  eventHandle 

Same as clDsmStreamUnsubscribeEvent - used in conjuction with clDsmSpecialEventSubscribe.

Same as clDsmStreamEventUnsubscribe - used in conjuction with clDsmSpecialEventSubscribe.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The streamEventHandle is not valid. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventNameList ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT **  pNamesPtr,
U16BIT *  pNamesLen 

The Client uses this function to request list of event names for stream object Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed Do not have to open an object.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
pNamesPtrPointer to comma separated list of Event names
pNamesLenLength of comma separated list of Event names
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK Successfully retrieved list of names for this stream object.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT *  eventName,
S_UserInfo pUserInfo,
H_DsmEvent *  pEventHandle 

The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function).

The Client uses this function to request that the DSMCC notifies it when a named stream event occurs. The notification is implemented by means of a callback function defined by the Client. Refer to the description of F_NotifyStreamEvent for information about the callback function. Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function. This action will deliver a handle to the object stream - this is passed as the streamObject argument to this function. Do not have to wait until load is completed before subscribing. Do not have to open an object before subscribing (since synchronous function). CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis references a BIOP::StreamEventMessage as well as indicating the carousel, module and the kind of the object.
eventNameName of stream event required by the Client.
pUserInfoOptional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pStatusStatus of the subscription.
pEventHandleThe is the handle to the stream event returned by subscribe. The caller will use this handle when the stream event being subscribed to is referred to in the future.
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_NAME The supplied event name is invalid CLDSM_ERR_SUBSCRIBE_FAILURE The event could not be subscribed to CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The message referred to by streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_NO_STREAM_EVENT_NOTIFY_CALLBACK If Stream Events are to be used then a callback must be registered. CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL Out of memory. CLDSM_OK The event has been successfully subscribed to.
void CDSM_StreamEventUnload ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
U32BIT  carouselId 

This function is called by the Client to unload any stream event loaded from a stream object on the given carousel. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle.

idpinstance of a DSMCC.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventUnsubscribe ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
H_DsmEvent  eventHandle 

This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle.

This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the eventHandle. CALLBACKS THAT MAY BE INITIATED DURING THIS CALL: none.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
eventHandleThis is a handle to an entry which is to be deleted from a list of subscribed to stream events
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The eventHandle is not valid. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed
E_DscError CDSM_StreamEventXmlData ( H_DsmCoreInst  dsmccInstance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
U8BIT **  pXmlData,
U16BIT *  pXmlLen 

The Client uses this function to request data in XML format for stream object and associated events. This XML format is defined by 'TS 102 809' v 1.2.1, section 8.2 Before calling this function the Client must request that the stream object of interest be loaded using the CDSM_ObjectLoad() function.

dsmccInstanceinstance of DSMCC.
streamObjecthandle to stream object
pXmlPtrPointer to XML data for Stream Object
pXmlLenLength of XML data for Stream Object
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_INSTANCE - The Instance value is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE - The supplied object handle is invalid CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE - streamObject is not a BIOP::StreamEventMessage CLDSM_ERR_MEM_HEAP_FULL - Out of memory. CLDSM_OK - Successfully retrieved XML data for stream object.
E_DscError CDSM_StreamUnsubscribeEvent ( H_DsmCoreInst  idp,
S_UserInfo pUserInfo 

This function is called by the Client to let DSMCC know when a previously subscribed stream event is no longer needed. Callback made to acknowledge unsubscribe. All data relating to this stream event will no longer be valid, including the streamEventHandle.

dsmccInstanceAllows support of >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
pUserInfoCopy of User Info supplied to CDSM_StreamEventSubscribe or CDSM_SpecialEventSubscribe
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_STREAM_EVENT_HANDLE The listener details not found. CLDSM_OK The stream event was successfully unsubscribed