DSMCC  22.11.0
streamObject.c File Reference

Functions to support Stream Functionality. More...

#include "clDsmSystem.h"
#include "clDsmUtils.h"
#include "streamObject.h"
#include "defMemUtilsMgd.h"
#include "siQuery.h"


E_DscError CDSM_StreamGetDeferredService (H_DsmCoreInst instance, H_DsmObject streamObject, void *userData1, void *userData2, S_DvbLocator **ppDeferredService)
 The Client calls this function to obtain the Association Tag which can be used to determine the PID on which stream data can be found. Before calling this function the Client must have completed loading and opened the stream object. More...
void DSC_StrmObjectStoreDeferred (P_DsmCoreInst idp, P_DsmObject pDsmObject, S_DvbLocator multiplex)

Detailed Description

Functions to support Stream Functionality.


Function Documentation

E_DscError CDSM_StreamGetDeferredService ( H_DsmCoreInst  instance,
H_DsmObject  streamObject,
void *  userData1,
void *  userData2,
S_DvbLocator **  ppDeferredService 

The Client calls this function to obtain the Association Tag which can be used to determine the PID on which stream data can be found. Before calling this function the Client must have completed loading and opened the stream object.

dsmccInstanceAllows support >= 1 instance of a DSMCC.
streamObjectThis handle indicates the stream object
userData1Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
userData2Optional data to be used by client. This data is stored and returned unchanged to the Client using a callback.
pDeferredServicereturn a pointer to deferred service structure
CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_HANDLE The supplied object handle was not valid. CLDSM_ERR_INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE The streamObject does not refer to data containing the association tag. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_LOADED The streamObject does not refer to a loaded object. CLDSM_ERR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN The streamObject does not refer to an open object. CLDSM_ERR_UNABLE_TO_GET_PROGRAM_ASSOC_TAG No BIOP_PROGRAM_USE tap could be found. CLDSM_ERR_SI_QUERY_FAILED SI Query Failed CLDSM_OK Association Tag was successfully obtained.