#define | ATSCCORE_ESG_URLS "atsc30core.esg.urls" |
#define | ATSCCORE_ESG_URLS_QUERY "atsc30core.esg.urls.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_ESG_URLS_CLEAR "atsc30core.esg.clear" |
#define | ATSCCORE_SLS_URLS "atsc30core.sls.urls" |
#define | ATSCCORE_SLS_URLS_QUERY "atsc30core.sls.urls.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_NRT_URLS "atsc30core.nrt.urls" |
#define | ATSCCORE_NRT_URLS_QUERY "atsc30core.nrt.urls.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_APP_URLS "atsc30core.app.urls" |
#define | ATSCCORE_APP_URLS_QUERY "atsc30core.app.urls.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_HELD_URLS "atsc30core.held.urls" |
#define | ATSCCORE_HELD_URLS_QUERY "atsc30core.held.urls.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_HELD_MSGS "atsc30core.held.msgs" |
#define | ATSCCORE_HELD_MSGS_QUERY "atsc30core.held.msgs.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_HELD_MSGS_CLEAR "atsc30core.held.msgs.clear" |
#define | ATSCCORE_FILES_CLEAR "atsc30core.files.clear" |
#define | ATSCCORE_FILES_REMOVE "atsc30core.files.remove" |
#define | ATSCCORE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS "atsc30core.download.status" |
#define | ATSCCORE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_QUERY "atsc30core.download.status.query" |
#define | ATSCCORE_SUBSCRIBE "atsc30core.subscribe" |
#define | ATSCCORE_UNSUBSCRIBE "atsc30core.unsubscribe" |
#define | ATSCCORE_OBJECTS_LIST "atsc30core.objects.list" |
#define | ATSCCORE_SUBSCRIBE_LIST "atsc30core.subscribe.list" |
#define | ATSCCORE_STORAGE "atsc30core.storage" |
enum | eJsonMethod_t {
eMethodNoMethod = -1
, eMethodEsgUrls = 0
, eMethodEsgQueryUrls = 1
, eMethodEsgClear = 2
eMethodSlsUrls = 3
, eMethodSlsQueryUrls = 4
, eMethodNrtUrls = 5
, eMethodNrtQueryUrls = 6
eMethodAppUrls = 7
, eMethodAppQueryUrls = 8
, eMethodHeldUrls = 9
, eMethodHeldQueryUrls = 10
eMethodHeldMsgs = 11
, eMethodHeldQueryMsgs = 12
, eMethodHeldClearMsgs = 13
, eMethodClearFiles = 14
eMethodRemoveFiles = 15
, eMethodDownloadStatus = 16
, eMethodQueryDownloadStatus = 17
, eMethodAtscSubscribe = 18
eMethodAtscUnSubscribe = 19
, eMethodAtscListObjects = 20
, eMethodAtscListSubscribe = 21
, eMethodAtscStorage = 22
} |
enum | eATSCResult_t {
, ATSC_OK = 0
, ATSC_NOK = 1
} |
enum | eDemod_t {
eDemod8VSB = 0
, eDemod64QAM = 1
, eDemod256QAM = 2
, eDemodATSC30 = 3
eDemodMax = 3
} |
enum | eRegion_t { eRegionUS = 0
, eRegionKorea
, eRegionIndia
, eRegionMax
} |
enum | eStandard_t { eStandardNone = 0
, eStandardATSC10 = 1
, eStandardATSC30 = 1 << 1
} |
enum | eScanResult { eScanScuccess = 0
, eScanfailed = 1
, eScanInProgress = 2
} |
enum | eHttpType_t {
eHttpTypeGet = 0
, eHttpTypePost = 1
, eHttpTypePut = 2
, eHttpTypeDelete = 3
eHttpTypeNoOp = 4
} |
enum | eHttpResponseCode_t {
eHttpResponseCodeContinue = 100
, eHttpResponseCodeOk = 200
, eHttpResponseCodeCreated = 201
, eHttpResponseCodeAccepted = 202
eHttpResponseCodeNotFound = 404
} |
enum | eContentType_t { eContentTypeJson = 0
, eContentTypeXml = 1
, eContentTypeTextPlain = 2
, eContentTypeTextHtml = 3
} |
enum | eTunerScanType_t { eTunerScanStart = 0
, eTunerScanStop
, eTunerScanInfo
} |
Structure and Macro definitions of Stack parameters used in different Stack modules and exposed to upper layers