Benefits of being a DTVKit member

DTVKit is a not for profit membership-based organisation; this model means there are many benefits of being a DTVKit member. …

Set-top box trends in the next decade

The next decade is significant for the set-top box market, with shifts in media distribution, and there are many queries …

The benefits of CI Plus

CI Plus is a technical specification that adds further security and features to the proven DVB Common Interface Standard (DVB-CI). …

Looking to the future

The devastating effects of coronavirus are still being felt on a global scale. Many businesses have had to shut their …

CES 2021 is going virtual

Coronavirus has impacted the events industry this year with many of them not being able to go ahead physically due …

AWS announces Amazon Interactive Video Service

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an company, announced the release of Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS). This new …

Ocean Blue Software migrates DTVKit’s DVB stack to RDK 4.0

As part of our ongoing commitment to our members of ensuring they have access to the latest software components, our …

IBC launches virtual event: IBC Showcase

Unfortunately in May, it was officially announced that IBC 2020 could not go ahead due to concerns over attendees health …

Mobile expected to provide 40% of SVOD subscriptions

Rapid growth of SVOD subscriptions The SVOD sector is growing at a rapid rate. There will be a total of …

Benefits of the DTVKit RDK software solution

RDK explained RDK is an open-source platform for the connected home that standardises the core functions used in broadband, video …