We are committed to the stable development of our main platforms. You can use the same DVB Core across your entire product range: RDK, Android TV, Linux and RTOS. Our platforms are OS independent.
DTVKit’s market-proven DVB stack has been integrated into the RDK framework by Ocean Blue Software, providing users with a complete hybrid solution for Operators and set-top box makers. The first stage integration will run RDK with DVBCore integrated, decoding and displaying content using a Satellite (DVB-S) tuner. RDK is multi-standard and compatible with the following standards DVB-S/S2, T/T2, C.
The DTVKit Android solution integrates DVBCore with Android using the Android TV Input Framework (TIF). By using the TIF, manufacturers can provide a TV input source that new and existing apps, such as Live Channels, can use through a standard Android API. Integrating DTVKit with the Android TIF using the binder IPC, rather than via a proprietary mechanism, ensures compatibility with the Android architecture. It also enables OEMs to leverage features such as the AOSP TV reference application when developing their products.
DVBCore has a flexible hardware, OS abstraction, and application/UI interfaces. This means the same core can be used as the basis for a full range of DVB enabled products, from low-end RTOS based Zappers, through to high-end Linux based DVRs, or full-blown Android or RDK systems
DVBCore has a flexible hardware, OS abstraction, and application/UI interfaces. This means the same core can be used as the basis for a full range of DVB enabled products, from low-end RTOS based Zappers, through to high-end Linux based DVRs, or full-blown Android or RDK systems
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