Coronavirus has changed the way many of us work and interact within our day to day life. For many employees, their work routines have transformed in ways that not everyone has experienced before. Everyone is unsure about how long this will go on for, so here at DTVKit, we have come up with our top tips for how to work effectively from home!
1) Creating a routine and sticking with it
When working from home, it can be easy to stay in pyjamas all day and have the temptation to work in front of the telly with your favourite series on in the background. However, try to resist the temptation by getting up at the same time getting dressed (jeans and a t-shirt is great) and having a dedicated workspace to help create that work/life balance.
Each morning when you sit at your workspace write a list of the things that you want to achieve in the day, the use of a list holds you accountable for the tasks that you want to complete during your workday and creates a sense of achievement when you finish them.

2) Make the most of your one hour of exercise a day
Being stuck all day indoors can make you feel lazy and trapped within the house. Going outside for any form of exercise does wonders for your mental health. The fresh air makes you feel energised and cleanses your lungs.

3) Stay in contact with colleagues
Working from home can leave you feeling isolated and lacking human contact. Try arranging regular catch up meetings with your colleagues; this will make you feel more included, and it’s always great to see how everyone is doing. Also, try organising virtual lunch and coffee/tea breaks as you would if you were in this office, everyone needs a little break from thinking about work.

4) Take regular breaks
When staring at a computer for long periods of time your brain can lose focus quickly, make sure you take a break from your workspace regularly as this will make you more productive in the long run during your day. The most effective way to spend these regular breaks is to stand up, stretch, move around and maybe even go for a little walk.

We hope that everyone is keeping safe and staying positive during these challenging times. if you have any enquiries regarding DTVKit and how we can benefit you, please email