Brand new DTVKit website!

We are so excited to showcase the launch of our new website! Over the past few months, we have been working hard on creating our brand new design to enhance the look and user experience of the website. If you have visited our website before you can probably tell that lots of things are different! So what has changed?

Brand new look and design

In line with our brand guidelines, we wanted to give the website a new look and feel. We have gone for a lighter look to give the website a modern feel. 

New pages added

Over the past few years, we have been committed to the stable development of our main platforms. Therefore, we have added a Platforms page, which provides details about our key platforms: Android TV, RDKLinux and RTOS

You can use the same DVB Core across your entire product range.

We have also added a Pricing page to highlight our simple pricing structure, which has no hidden fees along the way. Our pricing model allows our members to have access to all the latest core software components at the best price within the industry.

Improved user experience

We have spent lots of time ensuring our website is efficient and has all the information needed for a positive user experience. We have added lots more information and images to our pages to ensure that you have all the details you need when considering becoming a member.

We hope you like our new website design. Let us know what you think by emailing us: We look forward to having your feedback.



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