
IBC 2021 as if we were there…not in person!

IBC, the trade show for the Global Media, Entertainment & Tech Industry has been cancelled for a second time since Covid hit. DTVKit was planning on having its usual stand so we would have been enjoying our daily visit to the RAI! But it wasn’t meant to be, so…what could you have expected if you had visited our stand in Hall 1?

Showcasing the Hybrid White Label Platform

OEMs and smaller operators around the globe are seeking ways to test and evaluate RDK and DTVKit as a full Hybrid solution. To fulfil the needs of this for members of the community and beyond, DTVKit has collaborated with other valued members including RDK, Mediatek, EKT and OBS to develop the Hybrid White Label set-top box.

DTVKit is a global shared source software company and the launch of the Hybrid white label box enables it to be used as a development platform, a demonstrator or to deliver a Proof of Concept. The platform will be delivered with a defined profile of RDK4.

Remember we support all MAJOR platforms including RDK, Android and Linux.

AND we are PORTED to popular chipsets including Synaptics, Mediatek and Realtek.

IBC Digital

Sadly IBC 2021 was cancelled, but we are available at the IBC Digital Showcase which takes place from 3 – 10 December where world class speakers from globally recognised media and entertainment brands will be taking centre stage. 

What we would have shown at IBC 2021

IBC 2021 as if we were there…not in person! IBC, the trade show for the Global Media, Entertainment & Tech …